- “It will help me to be more aware of how I can support some of my children.”
- “Will help classes to be inclusive.”
- “Excellent training really opened my eyes! Thank you!”
- “Especially how to either calm or wake children up.”
- “Very useful and enjoyable, thanks.”
- “Movement ideas really good. Liked the glitter bottle idea.”
- “As a SENDCO it has provided me with the research to back up why and how to do things, relating to SPD.”
- “Excellent training, very informative with a good mix of hands on and evidence.”
- “We can understand why behaviour is happening and what we can do to support child’s sensory needs.”
- “Easily adopted to class, makes you think why rather than just behaviour.”
- “It has increased my understanding on certain behaviours displayed.”
- “In my role as ‘behaviour’ lead, the training will be another tool in writing bespoke IBP for our pupils.”
- “Already made me think about how I will question children and put activities in place.”
- “Given me strategies to act on in the classroom.”
- “Makes me think differently about how to stimulate the dormant children.”