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Posts Tagged ‘SensoryProcessing’

SPD Christmas help for parents

Thank you for tonight everyone. We definitely need to do this more often! Below are some of the ideas you can try with your child(ren) not just for Christmas but any time of the year by just adapting the topics etc. Remember! Don’t forget to always praise your child(ren) when they are doing well. Keep…

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Parent Review – massive progress made!

Just hearing about how M has gained more confidence with her self-care is just amazing, not to mention all the other improvements. Mum said M had made significant improvements in her: Some improvements had also been seen in M’s: M herself said she: Well done M. You are an amazing young lady!

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Parent Review – improvements in regulation

Keep working on the home programme and you will see even more improvements! The home programme consolidates everything he has done in the sessions. It is fantastic to know he has really enjoyed his sessions but do keep in touch with us with updates. The parent review told us her son had shown significant improvements…

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Parent Review – helpful and informative

The home programme is an important part of the intervention process as it consolidates what takes place in the clinic. Even by conducting one or two things from the programme can make all the difference over the weeks. Mum noted the following significant improvements: Mum also discussed some improvements in her daughter’s: Keep up the…

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