On the go calming ideas for summer

Hopefully, the sun is shining, and the sky is blue. A perfect opportunity to get your children outside to explore the nature around them. But is it overwhelming for your sensory child? Therefore the team have put together some on the go calming ideas for the summer period to help you enjoy the six week break. Did…

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Applying suntan lotion to your child and struggling?

Scissor skill practice

So, are you applying suntan lotion to your child and having a struggle, fight, and/or they are having a meltdown? If they have sensory and tactile issues can definitely be a challenge in itself, even wearing a hat. Have a look at the tips below along with our flyer but remember: Make it fun –…

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How to help a child’s toileting skills

So, many of you have asked how to help a child’s toileting skills? A child has to be able to master many different skills in order to become independent when going to the toilet. However, once they have gained control over their bladder and bowel, they then need to learn how to clean themselves. Today…

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Why should children use a vertical surface?

Scissor skill practice

Why should children use a vertical surface? Have you ever thought about the many developmental benefits of writing/working on a vertical surface? No? Here’s why! Shoulder stability – the use of much larger vertical surfaces ie white/chalkboards, marker boards etc allows the child to use much bigger arm movements which helps with strength and flexibility…

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How can you tell if your child has weak core muscles?

So, how can you tell if your child has weak core muscles? Well, there are many ways in which you can tell. Have a read of the flyer below. There are lots of tips to help too! A simple hand activity can help with handwriting such as playing with play dough. https://youtu.be/cSl1srJ-gBY Even learning to…

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Going back to school after lockdown – anxiety

Scissor skill practice

Going back to school after lockdown – anxiety. One of our parents spoke about this explaining the meltdowns were rearing their ugly head again. Mum said her child had worked really well during lockdown to the point they were excelling in their education. Of course, she is worried about going back but asked if there…

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How to help a child’s pencil grip

This week we’re looking at how to help your child’s pencil grip with items you already have in the house. Why is it important to have a good pencil grip?When holding a pencil or pen correctly, this requires good finger dexterity, strong hand and finger muscles. If a child does not have the correct grip,…

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No sleep to peace and tranquility

Mum always knew G was different. He is the third child and cried constantly, struggled to feed, was behind with his milestones, poor to interact, hated loud noises and much more. At age three years, mum took G to a Paediatrician who stated she could not see anything wrong. Over the years mum saw several…

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Happy Valentine’s Day!

Happy Valentine’s day to all our followers! Some of our Tree Toppers made beautiful cards last week for their lovely families. At the same time, they were practicing handwriting, upper limb, balance and many other areas (such as the card below). Here are some fun facts about this special day: It is a day when…

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The fizzy bottle effect in your child

Scissor skill practice

What does the fizzy bottle effect in your child mean? Does your child come home some or most evenings from school and have a total meltdown (or even before school)? Do they say they have a poorly tummy, headache or drag their feet in the mornings? Can they sit and focus on their homework? Are…

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