#AskFizzwig – Tree Tops Shares

Each Friday during lockdown, we will be having a question and answer forum. However, because it is VE Celebration Day on Friday, we are moving it to today as we too would like to celebrate VE Day. Our question this week is riding a bike with hypermobility: “Hi, I would like some help or ideas…

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#AskFizzwig – Tree Tops Shares

Each Friday during lockdown, we will be having a question and answer forum. Our question this week is: “Hi, have you any advice on “discipline” – we currently don’t do anything, have tried reflection, time out, but my child just bounces off the walls. Sometimes breathing helps calm things and space does but I am…

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Our thoughts go out to all of you affected by the unprecedented situation with the coronavirus. For 20 years, the Tree Tops mission has been to offer interventions and support for children and families affected by sensory processing disorder. Our dedicated team of staff will frequently go that extra mile to help or advise individuals.…

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