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SEN News

The Guardian published an article on Monday 22nd October stating the SEN system was in crisis:-

SEND figures – more than £1.2 million (15% in England) school pupils have SEND (according to DofE) with 253,000 (3%) having statements or EHCP’s.

ADCS – 68 out of 85 Local Authorities who responded to a survey said they had overspent on their high needs budget in 2016/2017 costing a total of £139.5 million.

IPSEA – since the Children and Families Act 2014 came into force there had been a 56% increase in demand for their services.

Social Care Ombudsman – out of 200 investigations into parents’ complaints eight out of ten cases were found favourable.

Have a read of the full article on our Facebook (23rd October 2018).


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