Parent Review – massive progress made!
Just hearing about how M has gained more confidence with her self-care is just amazing, not to mention all the other improvements.
Mum said M had made significant improvements in her:
- Motor skills (ball skills, posture and general coordination)
- Functional skills (dressing, use of cutlery)
- Reduced sensory difficulties (tolerance of clothing, grooming tasks, sounds
Some improvements had also been seen in M’s:
- Sleep pattern (better bedtime routine)
- Educational skills (concentration, reading)
- Interaction (with siblings/peers, tolerance of others)
- Social skills (visiting social settings, play skills)
- Behaviour and mood
M herself said she:
- Enjoyed coming to Tree Tops
- It had made her feel better about herself
- Helped her in the school environment
- Tree Tops staff listened.
Well done M. You are an amazing young lady!