Parent/Carer Drop-in Session 19 February, 9-11am

Does your child dislike noises, handwriting? Do they fidget, lack concentration, have regular meltdowns (especially after school)? Do they have a poor sleep pattern or are fussy with food?

If so, you need to come along to Tree Tops as we are having a drop in session for parents/carers.

It will be a chance to speak to some of our OT’s and also have a look around our premises to see if we could help you and your family.

Tree Tops pride itself on being a family friendly company and look forward to meeting you. Come along and have a chat!

If you know you are definitely popping in, let us know so we get an idea of numbers.


Tree Tops Children’s Occupational Therapy, Eldon Road, Aycliffe Business Park, Co Durham, DL5 6UL

Tel: 01325 304411

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