Skype a Scientist – Brains, Flies and Energy!

Thursday 30th April 2020

A young lady involved in our group, Maria, is studying for her PhD, looking at the role of mitochondria in Parkinson’s disease.

She recently got involved in a scheme called ‘Skype a Scientist’, where she was paired with three groups in the USA. Maria has given presentations on Zoom before to students (age 6-11), talking about her research interests and what it’s like working as a scientist. So, the group decided to also have a presentation which would help with our home studies during the lockdown from COVID19.

The presentation was a gentle introduction into brain science, Parkinson’s disease, genetics/inheritance and using flies in scientific research. The presentation was very visual and interactive, and has had good feedback. It might be something a bit different whilst everyone is homeschooling to learn a bit of science.

It took approximately 40 minutes and our parents sat with their children and asked questions. Even the Tree Tops teddy bear took part!!

Certificates were emailed to the children at the end of the presentation which was very informative and the feedback was excellent! Some of the children even did a write up in their science school books for their teacher when they return to school.

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