Understanding/Addressing Feeding Difficulties in Children – 30 September 2016

From our “Think Sensory” course range.  Is it sensory, motor or behaviour?

Do you have children who have a very limited diet and refuse to eat?

Many children refuse to eat due to sensory issues which are often over looked or misinterpreted as behavioural problems.  This course is designed to help you understand the complex causes of feeding problems from a sensory perspective, equip you to analyse and implement therapeutic programmes to develop a child’s ability to tolerate a wider diet.

Underpinning the day will be sensory integration techniques and practical workshops to enhance your understanding and confidence to use with children.

Price: £120 (includes lunch)

Time: 9.00am – 3.30pm

Venue: Tree Tops Children’s Occupational Therapy Limited, Eldon Road, Aycliffe Business Park, Newton Aycliffe, Co Durham, DL5 6UL

Please contact the office on 01325 304411 or email christine@treetopsoccupationaltherapy.co.uk to book a place or for more information.

Tree Tops Occupational Therapy

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