Important News – we’re back!

Our Head OT, Dawn has kept everything running over the course of the last ten weeks. However, with a skeleton staff, we are now assessing and have several children in treatment at our Aycliffe Clinic. If you want to bring your child back for treatment, are looking for an assessment or would like to discuss…

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Tree Tops Shares Series

Introduction to “Food Therapy” Welcome to our first in a series of four videos in relation to “picky or fussy eaters”. Today Ellen, our food therapy expert will talk you through the: * Key facts about feeding* The main causes about feeding difficulties* How we can help with feeding difficulties To watch our videos go…

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#AskFizzwig – Tree Tops Shares

Each Friday during lockdown, we will be having a question and answer forum. Our question this week is: “My daughter really struggles with her speech at times. She also has a very limited diet and gags with certain foods/textures. Is there anything I can do to help her?“ In reply this week:Yes! There are lots…

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Skype a Scientist – Brains, Flies and Energy!

A young lady involved in our group, Maria, is studying for her PhD, looking at the role of mitochondria in Parkinson’s disease. She recently got involved in a scheme called ‘Skype a Scientist’, where she was paired with three groups in the USA. Maria has given presentations on Zoom before to students (age 6-11), talking…

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Junior Kitchen Afternoon

The group went to Junior Kitchen, Darlington today. This session was to help with learning to bake and cook – a fabulous hands on experience, making baking fun and not forgetting team spirit and enjoying the food at the end! It was a chance for our children to have a go at making their own…

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Stamp It Out – Mental Health

Essentially “Stamp It Out” is a partnership Project delivered across County Durham as part of the Time To Change social movement challenging mental health stigma and discrimination. They are hoping to reduce stigma and discrimination towards people who experience mental health problems by raising awareness amongst the general public, within the workplace and other settings.…

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#AskFizzwig – Tree Tops Shares

Each Friday during lockdown, we will be having a question and answer forum. However, because it is VE Celebration Day on Friday, we are moving it to today as we too would like to celebrate VE Day. Our question this week is riding a bike with hypermobility: “Hi, I would like some help or ideas…

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