SPD’ers do 4Motion (5 June 2018)

There were some daredevil children who came to 4Motion this evening! Everyone had a lovely time and conquered some fears. The bikes and scooters were out in force with bodies flying every way we looked!! Thankfully, lots of coffee and tea were available for our parents who had a lovely time having a chat whilst the children whizzed around!!…

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SPD take on footie golf! (30 May 2018)

What a fun morning the SPD’ers had!!  On arrival, Olivia transported each group to the footie golf course via the golf buggy.  The smiles and beams on the faces was just wonderful! It was great doing something different, especially the ride on the golf buggy!! 😀. There was definitely some budding stars playing. We don’t know…

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Feeding Testimonial June 2018

We would like to share with you this incredible journey one of our young Tree Toppers has experienced through feeding therapy. “My son had a difficult start with feeding, due to a dairy intolerance. Prolonged reliance on bottle feeding of specialist formula milk, plus continued vomiting throughout the day and night, led to speech delay…

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